There are 5 Godot projects

Jigsaw Puzzle Bot

Turn any image into a Jigsaw Puzzle and solve it together with friends without leaving Telegram

Won 3rd place in the Telegram Web App Contest

Woven Nightmare

Follow the threads to find out what's behind the door! A surreal action-adventure game

Made in 7 days for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1

A Lonely Grasshopper and a Charming Potion

A hard platformer game about a lonely grasshopper trying to find love but failing miserably

Made in 3 days for Winter MelonJam 2023

Harod: The Eternal Summoning

An action-narrative game with multiple endings. Find a way to escape The Eternal Summoning

Made in 3 days for Ludum Dare 55

BMOD: Like with FMOD but B-tier

A simple add-on for Godot 4. Copies some of the functionality of FMOD inside of Godot